Christopher DaGrosa
DaGrosa Projects. A variety of photography projects or single image making such as the Blue Nude. Photographer and Digital Artist based in NY/NJ/PA area.
“Each image can take one to few days to capture Just depends on the complexity of the set up.”
- Patience, understanding what we are after, ninety percent of what we shoot receives delete and one of the ten percent left is the hero frame.
- Keep going until it all clicks and you get the image you’re after. Stop when you have exhausted the idea. Be painfully honest in the editing process.
- If you did not capture the image you’re after, set it up again until you do. This is what I do as a photographer and visual artist.
“As a photographer, I create exciting photographs for private collectors, client branding, direct marketing and ecommerce clientele.”
Christopher DaGrosa
Photographer/Visual Artist
Lebanon, NJ 08833
"As a photographer I create exciting photographs for private collectors, client branding, direct marketing and ecommerce clientele."